P.O. Box 7841
Ann Arbor, MI. 48107
The Native Plant Nursery LLC
Michigan Native Plants Database
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search all Michigan native plants
Physiography: Plant Characteristics Site Characteristics Plant Search
Wildflowers Grasses Sedges *flower color *light search for
Vines Ferns *time of bloom soil moisture Select Region of Michigan
Trees Shrubs *Height (in feet) Show Plants for:
Perennial Garden
Butterfly Garden
Rain Garden
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SE Michigan
SW Michigan
N. Lower
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*Please note: Plants and ecosystems are dynamic and complex. Information provided here is not necessarily accurate or complete. This database is a "work in progress"; some information is more complete than others. Native Plant Nursery availability is updated monthly, but many plant species do not yet have images or data for "light conditions, bloom time, flower color or height". If selecting any of these 4 criteria other than "ALL", these species are excluded from your search results. Also note that when searching by site conditions, the results returned are not necessarily listing all the plants appropriate for your site. The results are based more on the plants natural occurence patterns and not based on what conditions the plant will tolerate. see the search tips
(more about this database). To use the database without frames, click here.

Additional Search Options:
C (coefficient of conservatism) show C value show latin name show bloom time
W (wetness coefficient) show W value show common name show 6-letter code
S (shade coefficient) show S value show light show notes
Physiography (type of plant) show Physiography show moisture show flower color
show thumbnail images thumb size sm med lg show height show region
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